Bollhoff Attexor SA | Clinching tools for sheet metal joining
(Klicks: 110;Website hinzugefügt: Nov 7, 2014)
- Land: Schweiz
- Stichwort 1: attexor clinch systems
- Stichwort 2: clinching
- Stichwort 3: clinch systems
- Stichwort 4: clinch system
- Stichwort 5: clinch
- Stichwort 6: clinchage
- Stichwort 7: clinchen
- Stichwort 8: clinchsystem
- Stichwort 9: clinchsystems
- Stichwort 10: fastening
Attexor clinch systems, clinching and spotclinch, sheet metal joining and fastening by clinching or stitchfolding using SPOT CLINCH and TAGGER tools