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Communicating a complex message is something all companies struggle with. Brainstud makes Whiteboard Animation films that trigger and spark the attention of the viewer. We simplify. This is the reason we're now the biggest Whiteboard Animation studio
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B.U.T produces video, print, multimedia and web content for the corporate/industrial world. In-house HD video production, 3D and Flash, software development, print design, PowerPoint. Strong experience in multilingual projects for worldwide use. Numer
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(Klicks: 249;Website hinzugefügt: Nov 13, 2013, video)
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Cranflow Media ist eine Zürcher Firma, die Filme produziert. Wir haben langjähriges Knowhow in der Filmproduktion, der Filmregie, dem Color Grading, dem Erstellen von Soundeffekten und dem Composing.
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(Klicks: 247;Website hinzugefügt: Apr 4, 2014, video)
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(Klicks: 245;Website hinzugefügt: Jun 25, 2014, video)
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